Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thoughts at the moment

Just changed a new job, not so happy with the new job...
The environment, the style of management and the feeling...
Is it reasonable to provide stationery by ourselves which definitely will be used??
Is it reasonable to give us the schedule just 1 day before next week?
Is it possible to have a systematic schedule for us?
We also have our personal things to do, to plan... Life is just not for working, ok?
The work is not hard to do, learning make perfect as i believe.
I would like to achieve a better quality of life with my neyney...
I still give myself chances to find a better job...
I give myself 1 year, still left half year...
Is not because I am not able to suffer, I just wish to find a job that i would enjoy and i would do more than 3-5 years...
The routine makes people become boring.
Thus, I hope that the routine that i will take it in the nearly future is a routine that i would like to involve in...


Sunday, January 17, 2010

birthday birthday birthday 2010!!!!!!!!!!

my beloved bee pooh!!!
dinner in Harris resort, Batam.

Mango mousse from Bakerzin
My birthday dinner with my best friends at Ion Orchard

Every year, i am always the 1st one to 打头炮...
Went dinner with fang, min, khim and shirley, went batam with neyney....
Had my chritmas, birthday and 3rd year anniversary's present!!!
Thanks for always giving me good things....I like it so much.......muacks..........

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Re & S's life (13th July 09- 06th Jan 10)

mei leng, me, huey ling, jolene, siew chern, xiao yan

Derrick, siew chern, jolene and me

Yesterday was my last day here...
Last day, i still needed to OT =_=
Happy for the half year in the company because all of my colleagues are very friendly....
Thanks for all the wishes from you all, muacks............